Our Elementary School offers a safe, interactive, and nurturing environment for our pre-kindergarten through 5th grade students. We focus on offering an engaging curriculum that encourages your student to become a lifelong learner and an independent thinker. Elementary School teachers utilize interdisciplinary lessons along with traditional lessons in an environment that meets high academic standards. Furthermore, Elementary School teachers understand the importance of meeting the needs of each individual learner. Character education, art, physical education, music and Spanish are taught to students as enrichment opportunities, in addition to their regular classroom subjects. Each year, students attend a variety of field trips to further their educational experiences. Students can participate in John Milledge athletic programs, including kiddie camps, Junior Pro football, cheerleading, track, and basketball.
Elementary School Secretary is Mrs. Courtney Nipper.
Mrs. Nipper may be reached via email at: cnipper@johnmilledge.org
478-452-5570 X 406