Sixth Grade Curriculum


The sixth grade English curriculum at John Milledge Academy is supported by McGraw Hill’s Language Arts Today. Students are taught basic rules of the English language as they apply to sentence structure, the eight parts of speech, capitalization and punctuation. Students apply the skills taught through the writing process. They are taught to write in a variety of ways and for a variety of audiences. A number of research skills are taught as tools for writing. Students are provided with the workbook which accompanies the textbook. Other support resources are provided by the teacher as needed.


Literature class engages students through a variety of novels to teach foundational skills. Students will learn how to identify key ideas and details, analyze craft and structure, and integrate cross-curricular knowledge. These skills are some of the recently adopted English Language Arts (ELA) Common Core State Standards ( Reading – Literature and Informational Texts, Writing, Listening and Speaking, and Language). Literature will vary in complexity, genre, and interest. Novels can include, but are not limited to:

  • Sign of the Beaver
  • On My Honor
  • Long Way from Chicago
  • Hatchet
  • Treasure Island
  • Summer of the Monkeys

The curriculum supports the needs of all students by providing them with the necessary skills and strategies to stretch their thinking and to grow as readers and writers throughout their middle school years.


The sixth grade Earth Science curriculum is designed to give all students an overview of common themes in earth science including, but not limited to, meteorology, geology, astronomy, oceanography, environmental resources and human impact on earth.   The Scientific Method and SI units are an integral part of this study.  This curriculum is supported by Holt’s Holt Science and Technology: Earth Science and other support materials.  This may include, but is not limited to, appropriate guest speakers, field trips, educational video clips/movies, and lab activities.  Students are required to keep an interactive science notebook which allows students to think, record data, and observations, and reflect in the same manner as professional scientists do.

Social Studies

The social studies curriculum is supported by Glencoe’s World History Journey Across Time. This is a middle school world history program organized chronologically from the first humans and ancient civilizations to the present. It is co-authored by National Geographic and Jackson Spielvogel. Journey Across Time engages narrative and outstanding visuals which transport students back in time. Students are ensured the understanding of the influence of geography on historical events. The result is a standards – based program with important geography skills embedded in every lesson.

Physical Education

The benchmarks in the Physical Education Curriculum are designed to promote each student’s optimum physical, mental, and social development. This curriculum represents a student-centered approach to physical education, consisting of appropriate grade level learning activities that support and encourage physical fitness (basic movement skills; team, dual, and individual sports; physical fitness; rhythm and dance) as well as lifelong physical activities are all addressed.


Exploratory classes initiate exploration in extracurricular areas that encourage well-rounded students and inquisitive learners.  These class may include, but are not limited to, Introduction to Spanish, Art, Bible, Typing to Learn, Introduction to Computers, Character Education, and G.R.E.A.T. programming.